Mason Blair | Spring Echo Guitar

Illustration, Technical Drawing

I gave myself the challenge of designing a “guitar-like” instrument that generates it’s own echo/reverberation from simple coil springs built inside the body. As a musician, most ideas start from a sound in my head, so the inspiration for this project came from a sound I could only describe as a marriage between the reverb of Surf Rock and the rattle of an old chair or bed frame. The sketches displayed are taken from a presentation I gave at the end of the first semester. You can see my early thumbnail drawings establishing what sort of form I wanted the instrument to take, inspired by ancient instruments like the Oud and the Pipa. These sketches also include my mathematics research into how the golden ratio is implemented within instrument design. My drawings then conclude with a piece showing off the final form. The main goal for me with a lot of my projects is the pursuit of innovation, whether that be through object design, graphic design or even sound design. So I’ve found this project has been a great way to stretch my creative muscles and learn new skills. I’ve learned to adapt to barriers in my path more than I have had to for any other project. There is still a lot more work to be done, but the home stretch is very near.

Mason Blair | Spring Echo Guitar
Illustration, Technical Drawing

I love to collect skills and knowledge from all aspects of creativity, and find where different disciplines and creative ideas cross over. I have a keen interest in experimenting and discovering things that have been left unturned.